Research Projects

Rethinking Sustainable Pacific Rim Territories

National Science Challenge 11 – Shaping Places: Future Neighbourhoods

Architecture Graduate          Progression to Practice in New Zealand: 1987-2018

Bridging the gap between environmental sustainability and heritage conservation in New Zealand

Architectural integration of solar energy at the urban scale: case studies and potentialities

Climate compatible development

LIUDD/ WSD Paired catchment comparisons urban: Flat Bush and Oteha Valley, Albany

National Science Challenge 11: 


COST Action CA16114 – REthinking Sustainability TOwards a Regenerative Economy (RESTORE)

Smart shading: adaptive solar shading

GBC Historic Building®

Transdisciplinarity: Finding Common Ground between Urban Design, Urbanism and Water Sensitive Design

Learning from the past? Traditional and urban Tulou

Greening cities: a review of green infrastructure

Current developments in the use of smart materials for solar shading: prototypes vs products

Sustainable innovation in architecture: materials, technologies and products

Hook-and-loop fastener – application for the technical building equipment

LIUDD/ WSD Paired catchment comparisons countryside living: Manukau at Regis, Redoubt, Tiffany Close

Reduce A/C – Reducing the utilisation of air conditioning in high-rise buildings in subtropical and tropical climate regions

Sustainable design process & integrated façades

Transitioning to lower carbon cities in New Zealand: barriers and opportunities

StoSystain R – Recyclable facade system with reclosable fastener fixation

Habitat III Country Report

Retrofitting Italian social housing of the second half of the 20th century

Ecological Net Gain

Cultural Ecosystem Services valuation and kaitiakitanga for Auckland stream corridors

Measuring Public Transportation Connectivity and Equity

Water Sensitive Design (WSD) for industrial developments in Auckland

Modelling transportation policies and their environmental impacts 

Auckland Smart Solar Urban Furniture

Gradient Concrete | Resource and emission reduced concrete building construction system for NZ

Regenerative Place-making Design: coupling social food reconnection with pollinator biodiversity in the public space 

Spatial Inequality of Accessibility To Urban Parks – case study of Auckland public housing developments